Thursday, February 23, 2006

Romney hires former top Bush campaign policy adviser

Gov. Mitt Romney, continuing to build a political operation reaching outside Massachusetts, has hired a domestic policy adviser who held that key role for George W. Bush during his first campaign for the presidency.

Sally Canfield, currently policy adviser to House Speaker Dennis Hastert, will move to Boston and join the payroll of Romney's political action committee in mid- to late-March.

After working on Bush's 2000 presidential campaign, Canfield served as a top adviser to Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson before helping draft the founding legislation for the Department of Homeland Security following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Another sign of a 2008 run, and nabbing top people helps legitimize us as a top-tier candidate.

Rumors also persist that Mitt is a favorite of some old-line Bush 41 alumni. The last person I heard say this was Howard Fineman on The Chris Matthews Show (not Hardball). So that's interesting.